Saturday, 9 April 2016

Thomas Henry Museum

Today I went to the Thomas Henry Museum. The museum was started when Thomas Henry donated hundreds of paintings to Cherbourg. Here are some of my favourites.

These two are painted by the same painter. They are meant to go together.

 Here are the same two just closer.

 This is one sixth of one big piece that a dumb guy cut up.

 That is what i call detail (That is the wrinkles of a old mans head, sorry for the shadow (bad photo taking)).

 She seems nice right? A guy wanted to destroy here town so she seduced him then decapitated him. Problem solved.

  I am really bad at drawing animals so these blow my mind. One of the reasons I like animal paintings the most is because I can't do them.

 These two chums are post to be greek astromoner/philosopher, only problem is that they are in 17th cloths

This one is so detailed that my camera can identify the faces!
But not mine :'(

 More blow my mind animal photos.


 Funniest bathroom sign I have ever seen.

 Even more blow my mind animal photos.

 Random squirrel eating food of the table :)

 This is me taking a million photos of my favourite painting in the museum.

 Cool painting

 To me this looks like the devil/the thinker dude from night of the museum.

 King Henry the something.

 Thought this was cool. You don't often see paintings of ruins.

 Wonder if she was this pale in real life?

I am lord Jackass. Sniff

Excuse me, do you know where the post office is?

 Awesome statues.
 How you feel after scoring at the half way point in basket ball when there is 2 seconds remaining.

awesomemest telescope ever (yes I did just make up that word).

 One of the best.

So detailed!

some of these ship ones are so detailed that you can see the moustaches on the tiny little guys!

 More awesome sea paintings. 

 Painting slash sculpture!!!!!!!!!:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o

 Why are some holding there weapons and why are some on the ground?

 Cool painting.


 So this guy draws his master on a wall and gets his freedom. Wat?

More cool painting.

That is all. Thank you.

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