Wednesday, 28 September 2016

London #7 Les Mise

Well a couple days ago I saw Les Mise. Now I know some of you will be like "really yarrow your self esteem if so low that you need to go see people live in hell."

But I will be like no, I went there because I like the music (They are the only so. ngs I know of that can be sung so cheerfully while the lyrics are equal to "Death, more death, misery, with a dash of heart breaking") but also my mom got some tickets so why not? So we went, and for one thing. The equstics (I know. Isn't my vocab getting sofisacated) were amazing. And I've gotta tell ya. It was so good. We were two stories above them so we could see the orcastra, which was cool. But we were still close enough that we could see the faces of the actors.

All of the actors were really good, and it wasn't like your normal song play, where you only know what is happening if you have your back round info. No, you could actually understand what they meant, another cool thing is that they had a roatating stage. Which made the play way more cool. Because people could start walking long distances but staying in one spot. Making very cool visual effect.

The play was really incredible. And if you are ever there I really segest going.

Saturday, 24 September 2016

London#6 British Museums

Well, for the last month I have been in London, I have discovered the britsh museum. It is one of the most amazing museums I have ever been in. For a start the thing is absalutly huge, Here is a photo of its lobby.
Then it is 5 floors above ground, and a 2 level basment. So in total it is 7 stories tall. And even then it is packed to the brim with amazing things.
But before we get into the museum I descovered a place that makes the ambrosa of the gods. The best bubble tea I have ever had.
The coolest part was the mechine that put on lids, if a photo is equal to 1000 words, then a video is worth like 1000 000 right? Anyways I took a video for you guys.

An Egyption Statue, one of many.

A gold goblet, but you can tell it was own by someone richer then usual, because of the colours. Some colours meant you were more rich.

Just your casual naked greek.

Couple thousand year old helmet.

A very old iron.

A replica of an old helmet.
The old helmet.

The Loise Chesse Men

A up close.

A big pile of old gold coins.

Your general multithousand year old pots.

A freaky dude.

A really good mosaic.

Some nacked men having a party.

Literally the knight in shinning armour.

A really well perserved pot.

A clay nail.

Some very beutiful and 2-4 thousand year old statues.

More Egyptian.


A mummy

Some more cool stuff.

"Wait what?"

Some of the first book EVER!

A fancy game (yes kids there are games that exist out side of the computer).

4 thousand year old harpsicord.

A skull skwished in side of a helmet.

Your average golden goat.

My camera can reconise these guy's faces but then when I take a selfy it is like "what in the world of monsters is that."

Some very talented rock pictures.

A very buff man.

I mean LOOK AT THAT! What does he do, Wear stone shoes?

please don't eat me sir.

You know your average cat lady who eat people and laughs while doing it :)

More stone shoe lifters.

My face is so strong I eat spears for breakfast.

Wait what am I aiming at?

I have seen days of much sadness and beauty, and
EH, shut up, your a horse. You are just post to stay still, look prett, and make people  whant to buy you.

"OMG! WE'RE TWINS" one on the right.
"I can not have someone the same as me." one on the left.

Do you like my beard?

Ya... even though it is like 1/3 of its origanil size it is around 4-6 tons.

A sevral ton mummy lid.

I am a ram, and I shall rule all.

Amazing scarab scuplture that is thousands of years old.

Know we have buff guys doing drugs and bird steroids.

Buff man talking to buff woman.

Hall of gorgios stone pictures.

Again. What is with the face regonision. 

The most detailed horse I have ever seen.

A totem pole from my native lands.
The english really did steal everything, didn't theey.

Viaolin comishined by Queen Victoria tHe 1st. It has really amazing  carvings, and they are all only about 2-3 cm big.


That is a horse kids.
(Thank you Captain obvios.)

A stopper for a huge cask.

A vikking sheild

We are the three muskateers, that are dwarfs,
Umm... Guys I think you are in the wrong fairy tail.

A standard sculpture.

A solid gold wreath for dead people to wear.

A nice gold chest peice.

A nice veiwing of axe evolution. You can see how axe heads have improved. The oldest being on the right.

A very awsome 10 pearl clam. 


Thank you for reading, aand have a great day.