Wednesday, 18 May 2016


Ok, at the last place we had the option of walking to town, or eating potatoes. When we were about to leave, suddenly groceries appear in the fridge... something seems foody around here (sorry, but I had to). But now we are in paradise. They have tons of hot water, and one of the most beautiful houses I have ever seen. And for the icing on the cake, they're very kind. I have weed whipped their lawn for them, it had became so overgrown that the lawn mower couldn't mow, ironic, no? After this blog I will go do some more. They have these hilarious chickens that are always talking. But anyways, I was feeding the small brown one a millipede (their are three of them, 1 the fat white one, 2 the medium white one, and the 3rd small brown) but number one got it, but while I was trying to stop it I got my hands on her. I then realized that I could pick her up. So I PICKED UP A CHICKEN TODAY.
Well my day is complete. Hope yours will be complete too.


So this guy saved us from the last place we were at (read other blogs to know more) and took us to Galway. We put all our stuff in are room, got out the water, food, and cat litter, (for the cats, just in case you didn't get that from: cat litter) and went out to enjoy the night. We found this pub that played from 9:30 till 12:00. They had about 15 people playing. They all knew the same tunes because they had all gone to the same music lessons. We stayed for the majority of the 2 and a half hours, but then decided to see if we could find anything else cool. We found nothing else. Sad face :(
But from the shadows a PIZZA place showed up. It was some of the best pizza I have had. So Ireland, known for its potatoes, kindness, and apparently pizza!?

The next morning we decided to go on to a hop on hop off bus tour. We learned plenty from that. After that we found this all you can eat buffet. It had excellent food from Turkey!
We also found some really good deals on backpacks. I also got a hair cut! I look so much better! That then helped us on a path to this place called... DUNGEONS AND DONUTS, so we popped in and found out that you can rent a game and take a donut (a.k.a. work of art). So we naturally did the right thing. Walked out side and wondered what we would do next. JUST KIDDING! We rented a board game and ate donuts. For supper we went back to the pizza place like creatures of habit. And we got a potato and onion pizza. The surprising part is that it tasted good!

That was the main high light of the day:) Hope yours was full of awesomeness too!

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

One day late...

Oops. Forgot to do another blog yesterday.

But here it is.

After my last blog we went on this chase for a 1000 year old tree. We stopped to look into a church but it turned out that it was locked. We then continued on the path. It was very beautiful. There was foresters, but they were doing selective cutting. We then met a woman and asked her where it was. She showed us, because she was already planing on a long walk (she had a very fast pace). It turned out that in the last two years they had very bad storms, so it had fallen down. Oh well.
We then walked back along the road. The people who did the road decided they would get a real kick out of watching tourist walk long distance. The sing said 2km so that aint to far right? Well we walk a km and we see another 2km, we then walk another km and see the town. I feel like Irish don't know how to do distances.
We then walked back home.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

The Best Salad Dressing EVER!

Well today I cleaned up some sticks and hung out with the horses. I fell into the mud (it was raining) and had to clean off. But then the host we are with was going into town, so we went with him. We stopped in this little health food store, and got some colours, and carrots. We then went to this little café. I got one of the best meals I have had in a long time, it included broccoli, cheese, and an amazing salad. The dressing really made it up. It included mustard, honey, and ginger.

I will probably do another post today. :)


May 8

So we started out today with walking, to the under 18 Hurling practice. We watched a bit but then decided to continue to our original destination, the car boot sale. It’s this thing where people go to sell stuff they don’t want. So we thought we would look around. We thought we would walk, and try to hitch hike, these really nice old couple, which were British, picked us up. We found nothing to our interest, except my mom grabbed a couple books. After that we started to make are way back slowly. We stopped in a town where we found this maze. We had a blast running around. We then got a ride
back to WhiteGate, where we were due to meet a man that would show us around. He took us down to this mini port, where he noticed somebody was stuck on the rocks. So it took us two hours to help them. We then went back to the town and enjoyed a nice steak sandwich.

That was my day, 
Thank you
Have a great week!!!!!!

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Another post

April 29, 2016

Well today started off with me being sick. So I stayed in bed, and slept. After a bit I woke up to find my cat trying to get under my blankets (can’t blame her, it is so cold some times). Then she positioned her self so all her paws and her head was on my arm. It felt so nice.

I then went to the ten o’clock breakfast, and ate my normal meal of yogurt (plain), honey, a banana, and some oats. When I was finished I went to Bob and got a job. He got me to repair a window. First I had to use a scraper to get of all the old paint/putty that someone had put on the frame. I then had to make little ridges even with putty, because in some places it had crumbled away. Then I had to paint it. It was fun, but it took me quite a long. That was pretty much my day, not very interesting, was it?

 Can’t believe it, I beat the French (Alexis) guy at his own game. After practicing for long periods of time I have homed in my boules (not sure if that is how you spell it, and if you don’t know what that is then search it on the internet, because if you’re reading this, that means you can, SO DO IT) skills, so when it came around I beat him twice in a row. First 12 to 11, a close game, but then 12 to 5. It made me feel so good.
Anyways that is my boast for the day.

Thank you, and have a great day.

Sorry about the weird post day. NO WIFI,

I have to go into town to post stuff so I do a little of Blogging on Word

April 28, 2016

Today there was a celebration happening in Ireland, it is the 1916 independence of Ireland. We had been told by are secret agents that a parade and other things was going to happen in Doneraile. So my mom and me walked there. We just arrived at the end of the parade, and there was a ceremony.

We met this guy who had been born in the gate house at Castle Creagh (the place we are wwoofing). We asked him where we could find tickets for a concert that was happening that evening. He told us to go to the gas station, so I went, and nope they had none.

So then he said, “tell them that John Hickie said to let you in,” so when the time came around we said that, and sure enough we were let in. But let’s back up for a little bit to the time in between the talk to John and the concert. For the hour and a half we went to the pub. I got red lemonade, and my mom got a Murphy’s. Because I was hungry I went to the local fast food place. It took them about a half hour for them to get my food done, because they were so busy. It was really infuriating, because you can order on-line, so people would walk in and out in about a minute while I waited.

Back to the concert, it started out with every body singing the national anthem in Gaelic. (Please excuse me if I get any facts wrong.) Then a man read out the Constitution act of 1916. After that a man sang some songs. It was really good, because he would explain what the history of the song is. Then a woman showed us a video of what happened in 1916. Pretty much the Irish went to the English and said “we want to rule our own country” so the Brits blew the living day light out of them. First a group got together but when the war came 170 000 out of 180 000 left to fight in a war that they thought would last only a couple months. But before this a group of 300 holed up in building, so the Brits mortared that then burnt Cork, nice huh.

The video told us more then a man gave a presentation. He repeated a little bit of what the movie said, but he also told us a lot of new stuff. Then there was another presentation. Not quite as good but still informative. After that the man who sang songs handed out a sheet of paper so we could sing along. Afterwards we started the half hour walk back to Castle Creagh. I was putting my thumb out, but I was not too optimistic because it was about ten so it did not seem too likely of us getting a lift.

But after 5 minutes a guy stopped for us, so we jumped in, and through absent chatter we found out that John Hickie was the owner of the building that the concert we went to. Also the man who picked us up, was the brother of John Hickie. He had also been born in the gate house at Creagh Castle.

So that was my day everybody, Thank you and have a great week!