Friday, 22 April 2016

Sorry for my last LAMÉ post

Well the last few days have consisted of a lot of work. On Monday we painted this old stone wall. The problem was that it was only plastered 80%, so we had to use A LOT of paint on the part that was not plastered. The other problem was that part of the wall was crumbling away. Any ways by the end of the day we where finished.

On Tuesday I just generally did stuff. Until the electrician came along and said “You kid, come here ” ok that might not be exactly what he said but you don’t know how hard it is to understand foreign accents. I can’t really say anything because they probably have the same problem understanding me. But back to the subject, he showed me how to do some electrical things. The sockets here are much smarter than the ones on Canada. In Canada you have to take a wire a twist it around a tiny screw, i.e. not easy. But here in Ireland all you have to do is stuff two thick wires into a hole and then screw them in. Like, hello Canada. That is what we smart (S.M.R.T) people like to call… LOGIC.

Wednesday we cleaned out a room. It had all the kitchen like stuff. Not really to exiting I guess. Thursday I worked in the garden helping my mom cut off black plastic, because it was suffocating the plants.

Friday I went with the local handy man Jimmy.  Every body sais that she rules with an Iron hand, and is just pretty much a bad ass, like my Grandma (that is not a bad thing). So I prepare for a tough woman with a heavy Irish accent in her 60s (I go of all of this because Jimmy looks about 60, and he has a really heavy accent). But I get this woman who looks like she is in here early 40s, she also had a slight Irish accent, almost like she was an actor in a movie, and she was really sweet.  After that we went to the lumber shop, and we got a lot of lumber. We arrived right in time for breakfast at ten. I then helped make lunch. I cut of the meat from a leg of a deer. I gave the dog the remains, and that is the only time I have seen that dog not pay attention to a ball (it usually walks around with a ball in its mouth).  That was pretty much my day. Thanks every body, and I hope that you have a great week end!

Sunday, 17 April 2016


So yesterday I went into the actual castle. It was pretty cool but badly in need of repairs. It must have been pretty impressive back in the day. But it was pretty scary in some parts. That is all. My very short post :)

One With the Chicken

Well I have been at the castle for a bit and there is this small black rooster that roams out of the fence for the chickens. I couldn't figure out why he wasn't with the others. I mean wouldn't you want to be with the group for warmth and safety. Well it turns out that it wasn't his choice. He got kicked out of the group by the other rooster. 
So now he lives by himself. He is able to steel some food once in a while though. Which is good. The thing is, is that I don't think used to be like that, because he used to have a twin brother. So together I think that they could fend off the other rooster. The black one is pretty smart. He goes up in the beams of the barn to get away from the mink that killed all the chickens except three (they have replaced them now). 

Friday, 15 April 2016

Rebuilding a Castle 1

Well today was my first day working on the castle project. We worked in the Garden i.e. a 2 acre square with a 12 foot wall surrounding it. We just weeded. At one point I took out the hoe and swung it around like a maniac to get rid of a code yellow-red case of thistles. A code red is when they grow up to 4 feet and reproduce like crazy. Unfortunately I only know this because I lived in a scenario like this. On the grounds they have chickens, ducks, and geese. It turns out that the first time they got chickens a animal got all of them except three. The geese are very hard to get photos of because they think that I'm about to attack them. So that is the news for the day. More on this story later. Bye and have a great day.

Cork I'm Sorry

Well in my post I said that Cork was dirty, but it turns out that was just the back streets. After I published my post I walked down one of the main streets and this is how it looked!!
So this is my apology to Cork.

Thursday, 14 April 2016


So uh ya... don't come to cork unless you want a giant meal from Tony's Bistro (Tony is actually Italian.). He cooks a full Irish Breakfast. It is huge, the only thing that is different from the Canadien breakfast is that they serve fries and onion rings, but the main difference is the black and white pudding. The White one is just normal sausage, the Black one is fat, blood, and oatmeal. Now that I think of it it is really disgusting. I thought it was a big meal, but apparently there is a meal called the (dun, dun, daaa)... THE GRANDFATHER I looked at what it contained. It pretty much included the kitchen sink. But anyways I left there feeling very satisfied.

But I can tell you one thing. It is dirty. I mean industrial revolution kind of dirty. Gum on the ground, and just general dirt. Don't come if you want clean!

Now I am at the Starbucks and they have one of the coolest prints on their cups EVER! Unfortunately I can't up load the photo right now because I don't have a cord ;( I will do it later. Anyways I need to do some other stuff right now so BYE! And have a great day.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Ireland 2

Here are more videos.
Ancient Stone Thingy (I have no clue what it is).
Old wishing chair.
OOOPPPPPS I have just been told that the grafitti I focused on is new. Not ancient. Guess that is what you get when you don't actually look and just assume.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016


Well today I am in Ireland. We were advised to go to this tomb, it sounded interesting so we decided to go. So after a series of close calls on Irish roads we find this café. Now before this we been told that a café had the keys to this place. We end up going in and finding out that they don't have the key. A café further down the road had it. After a tour and a video we were back on the road. Few minutes later we found the correct café! The people in the second café were much more vibrant. These people gave us the key and told us "Hide the key! Or otherwise they go 'can you do us a wee favor' and then you have to all the way up again!"
At first I didn't understand what she meant bye going all the way up again, until I had to walk up the hill. It took about ten minutes to walk up the 60% hill. By the top I was tired. Anyways here are some photos and videos I took.

so this is a view of half way up the hill.

 The hole in the roof for the sun to com through.

 Ancient carvings, made by people who lived before the pyramids of Egypt!!!
 Very friendly dog that we met when we were leaving.
Panorama of the tomb.

See second Ireland post for more videos! I ran out of room on this post ;(

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Thomas Henry Museum

Today I went to the Thomas Henry Museum. The museum was started when Thomas Henry donated hundreds of paintings to Cherbourg. Here are some of my favourites.

These two are painted by the same painter. They are meant to go together.

 Here are the same two just closer.

 This is one sixth of one big piece that a dumb guy cut up.

 That is what i call detail (That is the wrinkles of a old mans head, sorry for the shadow (bad photo taking)).

 She seems nice right? A guy wanted to destroy here town so she seduced him then decapitated him. Problem solved.

  I am really bad at drawing animals so these blow my mind. One of the reasons I like animal paintings the most is because I can't do them.

 These two chums are post to be greek astromoner/philosopher, only problem is that they are in 17th cloths

This one is so detailed that my camera can identify the faces!
But not mine :'(

 More blow my mind animal photos.


 Funniest bathroom sign I have ever seen.

 Even more blow my mind animal photos.

 Random squirrel eating food of the table :)

 This is me taking a million photos of my favourite painting in the museum.

 Cool painting

 To me this looks like the devil/the thinker dude from night of the museum.

 King Henry the something.

 Thought this was cool. You don't often see paintings of ruins.

 Wonder if she was this pale in real life?

I am lord Jackass. Sniff

Excuse me, do you know where the post office is?

 Awesome statues.
 How you feel after scoring at the half way point in basket ball when there is 2 seconds remaining.

awesomemest telescope ever (yes I did just make up that word).

 One of the best.

So detailed!

some of these ship ones are so detailed that you can see the moustaches on the tiny little guys!

 More awesome sea paintings. 

 Painting slash sculpture!!!!!!!!!:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o

 Why are some holding there weapons and why are some on the ground?

 Cool painting.


 So this guy draws his master on a wall and gets his freedom. Wat?

More cool painting.

That is all. Thank you.