Sorry, I didn't post anything yesterday. You can blame it all on the board game, Zombicide.
I will tell you about this very fun game. The type of game is cooperative. There are cards that spawn and move the zombies so that you can play together (I am not going to include everything, just the stuff to get you interested in the game).
1.First, let's talk about the characters of the game.
The characters you choose all have special abilities. You get more special abilities the more zombies you kill. They all have one defining special ability. That is their first ability, as you can see in the photo (it is the one with blue).
2. Let's move onto the zombies.
1.You have your standard zombie, a Walker. A Walker moves one square a turn, unless an activation card is drawn. This means that all zombies move an extra square.
2. You have the nasty Runner. These guys move two squares per turn.
3. We now come to the Fatty. This guy spawns with two Walkers. He takes 2 damage to kill him, meaning that you have to have a weapon that does 2 damage (most only do 1 (you can not deal damage to him if it is less)). He also hides behind the Walkers. Which makes no sense: shouldn't the small guys hide behind the big guys?
4. Finally, we come to the Abomination. He may only move one square per turn but he takes 3 damage to kill.
Now to make life harder they have added 3 expansion packs that I know of (these affect all zombies). First, a pack that if you kill a zombie with a melee weapon, you get hurt. The other one does the complete opposite. If you kill it with a ranged weapon, you get hurt. The third one I think it sends you back in time (don't take my word for it).
There are several missions that I know of. There's one where you have to collect food by searching.
Another mission you have to collect certain pieces on the board. Finally, you have to kill the Abomination.
Anyways that's all I am going to include today.